An Artists Garden by the Beach
A small enchanting seaside garden struggles with the environment and poor soil. The indoors of my home is nicely juxtaposed with colours, textures and moods of the outdoors. Garden and floor meet at the same level creating a feeling of living both indoors and outdoors at the same time with only a pane of glass between. The yellow of the curtains and the yellow of the Diosmas complement the purple bridge and purple native Hibiscus.
Ripples created by birds bathing in the pond reflect on the ceiling of the living room. A frog croaks.
An avenue of Silver Princess Caesia Gums attract red wattle birds that hang from their glorious pink/red flowers. Silver branches bend to meet the purple prostrate Convolvulus below.
After Stepping off the Japanese walking bridge through a woodland of deciduous Gleditsia trees, Gymea Lillies, Helleborus and giant Mondo grass it is a surprise to find a hidden Mexican like garden of large ceramic pots and Agave plants. Ti-tree, burgundy and green Agonis, Banksias grasses, and River Cascades, live harmoniously in my garden. A dense thicket of Alaeagonus bushes screen a clothes line and fence. In Spring a glorious show of massed bright pink flowers growing along the bare branches of the Cercis tree blend with pink and white daisies below – each season brings its own pleasure. On the west side of the garden foliage is keep to fence level to enjoy the changing moods of the sky.
I think what I love most about my garden is that it is nurtured by someone else who has great imagination and enthusiasm and loves it as much as I – Quentin.
By Mary Fraser
Ocean Grove Victoria