Snake Garden at Thomastown West Primary School
Horticulture in Schools at St Bernard’s Essendon. This year I have been teaching horticulture at St Bernards’ Essendon and after 3 terms of building a Kitchen garden, with 100 railway sleepers kindly donated we are nearly ready for picking.
I’m looking forward to the lunch at St Bernard’s at the end of Term 3 using the produce from the Garden. Q
An Artists Garden by the Beach
A small enchanting seaside garden struggles with the environment and poor soil. The indoors of my home is nicely juxtaposed with colours, textures and moods of the outdoors. Garden and floor meet at the same level creating a feeling of living both indoors and outdoors at the same time with only a pane of glass between. The yellow of the curtains and the yellow of the Diosmas complement the purple bridge and purple native Hibiscus. Continue reading
Coastal Gardens
Two of my favourite landscape design projects are gardens I have created in Barwon Heads and Ocean Grove. Coastal gardens have their own unique challenges, being salt laden winds and poor, sandy soils, therefore, sensitive design combined with correct plant selection is crucial to create a successful coastal garden.
Designed for the Queens Height
This piece of Art has been designed by www.lump.com.au for this years Chelsea Flower show & I was fortunate to see the design. The Art is being installed at the Queens height so unless you the Queens height or prepared to be at the Queens height if you are tall like me you want get the full effect. What a BEAUTIFUL customer build fit for a Queen. Continue reading
Not just a fence – piece of Art!
One of Q Garden & Design Gardens clients has this artistic fence, which has been made from industrial waste. Not only does it have the WOW factor at the front of the house it helps out the environment and looks like a piece of art not just a fence! Continue reading